5 Common Lawn Mistakes

Summer is made for the outdoors. When the weather turns warm, the backyard becomes the central focus for family fun. After a long, cold winter, homeowners around the country turn their attention to their lawn. Yet, these weekend warriors could be sabotaging their lawn by making these 5 common mistakes.

1. Overwatering – Watering is vital for a healthy lawn, but overwatering can prevent that lush green homeowners seek. Instead of frequent light watering, aim for more infrequent waterings for a longer, deeper soak. This allows the moisture to penetrate deep down to the roots.

2. Over mowing – Cutting the grass too short weakens the root. Every type of grass has different requirements, consult a local gardening center to understand the needs of your lawn. Avoid cutting more than a third of the grass blade height in a single mowing session.

3. Ignoring Soil Health – Regular soil care ensures a strong foundation for your lawn. Test for the proper pH level and any nutrient deficiencies. Use fertilizers throughout the growing season and consider an aeration rotation for better water absorption.

4. Neglecting Weed Control – Weeds and other pests can damage lawns quickly and make it difficult to recover. Implement a regular weed and pest control program. Be careful using pesticides around pets and children. Watch that you do not overuse pesticides as that can deprive the lawn of essential nutrients.

5. Forgetting to Feed Properly – In addition to soil health, the lawn itself needs regular feeding. Choose a fertilizer based on the type of grass and environment, then create a regular cadence for use. Ensure a healthy and vibrant lawn all summer long by avoiding a few common mistakes homeowners make each year.

Solar Rings – Cheap and Eco-Friendly Pool Heating

Everyone is looking for ways to save on energy costs. Many people have had to change the way they behave – larger laundry loads, fewer lights in the evening, fans vs air conditioning – and even more have looked to alternative options, such as solar. These methods are not always easy or inexpensive, at least not up front. The great news is that there is an inexpensive and eco-friendly way to heat your pool this summer and save hundreds of dollars in the process by using solar pool rings.

Solar pool rings are floating devices that contain UV-resistant vinyl material that traps the heat to warm the pool without using the heater. The rings are made of 2 layers. The top layer guides the sun to the lower layer which converts the rays to heat. Not only do these rings effectively trap and disperse heat to the water, but they also reduce evaporation, saving money on water bills.

Solar pool rings can also be effective as barriers against backyard debris, which can throw the chemical balance off. Solar pool rings typically come in sets of 6 and most pools can be covered for less than about $400. They are simple to inflate/deflate for storage and are suitable for all pool types. While solar rings will never heat a pool as quickly as a pool heater, with regular use and plenty of sunshine, these devices save money and extend the pool season in most climates.