How to Spot Roof Issues Before it’s too Late

Your roof is one of the most essential elements of your home. It guards you, your family, and your home from wind, water, and other harsh conditions. However, it is also part of the home that is often overlooked until it’s too late. Detecting roof damage early can prevent costly repairs down the line. But do you know what to look for? Here are a few signs it’s time to call a professional roofing company.

· Leaks and Water Stains – The most obvious sign that you have an issue with your roof is dampness. But water stains should never be ignored. They could be due to water intrusion during storms that dry once it’s over.

· Missing or Damaged Shingles – This may be harder to spot from the ground, but it’s important. Consider hiring a drone company to perform a visual inspection of your roof on a regular schedule and after major storms.

· Granules in Gutters – Over time, roof shingles deteriorate. If you notice excess granules in the gutters when you clear them, it may be due to older shingles that need replacing.

· Moss or Algae Growth – You may think that this kind of growth is quaint, but it can also be evidence of trapped moisture and should be researched. Finally, any water intrusion in the home should be investigated immediately. Issues caught early are normally easy to correct. Taking proactive steps can extend the life of your roof and prevent damage both inside and outside the home.

Ask the Right Questions: Tips for Getting Moving Quotes

Buying and selling a home can be stressful. Once you’re ready to move, the relief can leave you vulnerable to scams. Frankly, you’re so happy to be “done” that you can overlook red flags in your excitement. To protect your belongings and avoid extra costs or loss, learn the signs of scams when moving.

The first step is to do your research. Always make sure the moving company comes to physically inspect your belongings and gives you a firm quote. Some companies may try to give you a quote based on the size of your home or number of bedrooms, then charge you more based on time or weight. Do not hire these companies. A reputable company will spend the time to come to your home.

Next, it’s critical to check references. Ask for local references and call them. Online references and reviews can also be a good way to learn more about service and their response to problems. Ask about how they handle damage and check reviews for the insurance they offer. Ideally, you want a third-party insurance company and you may even have coverage with your own homeowner’s insurance.

Finally, get multiple quotes. Read the contracts carefully and make sure you ask about anything that can change during the move, such as delay fees, storage fees, or weight charges. Never make a large upfront payment and most companies only require a small deposit at the time of the move.

It’s natural to relax after the close of a new home, but you can avoid moving scams by staying vigilant and trust your instincts. Ask about anything that doesn’t make sense and check references. The lowest cost provider is likely low cost for a reason.

Don’t Overdo It When Decluttering to Sell Your Home

If you’re preparing your home to sell, you already know that it’s important to declutter. A clean, tidy space allows potential buyers to see the beauty of your home and to imagine themselves living there. But there is a fine line between decluttering and denuding – removing too much can leave your home looking cold and uninviting. Learn the difference and make sure your buyers feel “at home” in your property.

Decluttering involves carefully removing excess personal items and décor to create a clean and appealing space. On the other hand, some home sellers go too far and end up with sterile rooms that lack any warmth or personality. Buyers aren’t attracted by stark white walls with minimal furnishing any more than they are by wall-to-wall clutter. Buyers want a home with style and energy.

As you prepare for showings, start by removing extra “stuff.” Remove excess items from tabletops, countertops, shelves, and personal items. You do want a lived-in feel but allow some empty areas that make rooms look larger and brighter. Once you’ve removed unnecessary items, strategically return special décor and the occasional family picture or two.

Ultimately, the goal is to create a balance between decluttering and maintaining the charm and personality of your home. Your buyers are searching for a family home, so keep some “family” in the mix.

7 Ways to Save Money on Home Insurance

Home insurance is critical for homeowners. It protects you from unexpected damage due to fire, wind, flood, and more. Unfortunately, the cost of these policies can be very expensive and over the past few years, some premiums have doubled or even tripled as more natural disasters hit the country. Fortunately, there are a few ideas on how to save money on premiums. Here are 7 possible ideas to save money on your home insurance.

1. Bundle Policies – The easiest way to save money is to use the same company for both auto and home. Most companies offer significant discounts for doing all your business with them.

2. Increase Deductibles – Raising your deductible on all policies, even just a little can save money overall. Consider how much you are able to spend before relying on insurance and see how much you can save.

3. Home Security Systems – Most companies offer a nice discount for home security, plus you have the added benefit of greater safety for you and your family.

4. Good Credit – A higher credit score will likely give you a lower premium. Be sure to ask your insurance company to review your score at each renewal period.

5. Review Coverage – Do you have health insurance at work? Then maybe you don’t need medical coverage through your auto policy? Review your policies and make sure you need everything you’re paying for and always seek the advice of your insurance agent.

6. Claim Free – Insurance is there to use, but you may not want to use it for everything. If you have a $1000 deductible, for instance, it does not make sense to submit a claim for damage that totals $1150. Staying claim-free saves money.

7. Finally, shop around. At each renewal period, take the time to compare leading companies and make changes when necessary. Switching companies is very easy and can save you hundreds of dollars. Consult with your insurance agent to find out if any of these ideas might work for you.

Should You Repair or Replace a Roof?

One of the most important elements of any home is the roof. The roof is the first line of defense in protecting the home from weather-related issues, such as wind, fire, and rain. Over time, the constant abuse can take its toll, and your roof will require some attention. But how do you know if you should replace it or just repair it? There are a few things to consider before making the decision.

The Age of the Roof – Most roofs come with a 10-year warranty and are expected to last for anywhere from 20-25 years. Some tile roofs should last even longer with some simple maintenance for the under sheathing

Extent of the Damage – Sometimes the extent of the damage is great, such as when there has been a large storm. Other times the original roof was not installed properly or has structural issues, causing widespread damage

Cost – You may find when comparing the cost of the repairs to the expense of a new root, that the new roof is simply a better value. Always get estimates for both.

Insurance - Insurance companies view an older or deteriorated roof as a liability. In their eyes, it's more likely to leak, collapse, or suffer other types of damage, which means they're more likely to have to pay out a claim. Because of this, some insurers require roofs to be under a certain age or in good condition as a condition for providing coverage.

Personal Considerations – Are you planning to stay in the home for a long time? In this case, replacement now will be more economical than replacing later when costs have increased.

Finally, consult a few professionals. Discuss the issues for both replacement and repair with a few trusted roofing specialists and your insurance agent before making the final decision.

Small Design Changes that Have Big Impact

With the change of seasons, attention turns from the backyard to our indoor spaces. With the cooler months ahead and more time spent indoors, who wouldn’t love a quick living space refresh? Fortunately, you don’t need to completely revamp everything to have a new look. Small changes can have a big impact as well.

Paint is one of the easiest ways to change the look of any space. Paint fads quickly and designers recommend repainting every 5-7 years. This is an opportunity to use new colors. Dark and warm to create a cozy, relaxing space or go bright and bold to add energy or inspiration. If a larger project is too daunting, then adding a single accent wall provides drama and interest.

Look at updating lighting and other fixtures. It’s surprising how quickly a lamp can change the tone of a room. Don’t be afraid of mixing traditional furniture styles with modern fixtures. Use lighting in a new way. Highlight a special picture or piece of art. Light a dark corner or use variable light bulbs to provide flexibility in intensity.

Another great tip is to hit the local farmer’s markets and fairs. Style does not need to come from the chain stores or design magazines. Add some eclectic pillows, candles, baskets, or anything else that interests you. Personal style is just that – personal. With fall on the horizon, spruce up your living spaces with a few small changes.

5 Common Lawn Mistakes

Summer is made for the outdoors. When the weather turns warm, the backyard becomes the central focus for family fun. After a long, cold winter, homeowners around the country turn their attention to their lawn. Yet, these weekend warriors could be sabotaging their lawn by making these 5 common mistakes.

1. Overwatering – Watering is vital for a healthy lawn, but overwatering can prevent that lush green homeowners seek. Instead of frequent light watering, aim for more infrequent waterings for a longer, deeper soak. This allows the moisture to penetrate deep down to the roots.

2. Over mowing – Cutting the grass too short weakens the root. Every type of grass has different requirements, consult a local gardening center to understand the needs of your lawn. Avoid cutting more than a third of the grass blade height in a single mowing session.

3. Ignoring Soil Health – Regular soil care ensures a strong foundation for your lawn. Test for the proper pH level and any nutrient deficiencies. Use fertilizers throughout the growing season and consider an aeration rotation for better water absorption.

4. Neglecting Weed Control – Weeds and other pests can damage lawns quickly and make it difficult to recover. Implement a regular weed and pest control program. Be careful using pesticides around pets and children. Watch that you do not overuse pesticides as that can deprive the lawn of essential nutrients.

5. Forgetting to Feed Properly – In addition to soil health, the lawn itself needs regular feeding. Choose a fertilizer based on the type of grass and environment, then create a regular cadence for use. Ensure a healthy and vibrant lawn all summer long by avoiding a few common mistakes homeowners make each year.

Have You Hired the Wrong Agent?

Just the title of this article will make professional real estate agents cringe because they have heard it before. While most agents offer strong and vigorous representation, occasionally sellers run into one that just isn’t meeting the expectations. The good news is that even if you’ve signed a contract with one of these agents, you may not be stuck.

The first step is to realize that you picked the wrong agent. Ask yourself:

· Is my agent properly marketing my home for sale?

o Did they use professional photographers, videographers or drone providers? o Is my home listed on all the public search websites?

o Are they holding open houses for the public and real estate agent showcase?

· Did my agent offer a complete market analysis?

o Did you see comparable properties that sold recently?

o Are you priced competitively?

· Does your agent respond quickly to other agents and to you? ·

How often do you hear from your agent? A couple of times a week should be the minimum.

· Do you get quick feedback after a showing? Most importantly, do you still have questions that are still unanswered by your agent?

If any of these questions sound familiar, you may have hired the wrong agent. Good news though, you have options. Immediately contact the managing broker for your agent – they can be found in the office where your agent works. Explain your concerns and ask for help. Your contract is with the brokerage, and not the specific agent. They may reassign your listing to another agent or may cancel if it makes sense.

If you suspect you’ve hired the wrong agent, talk to the broker and resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Wasting time can only cost you money.

“Date the Rate and Marry the House” – Is This Still a Good Idea?

You’ve heard the old expression, “Date the Rate but Marry the House.” The idea is that you can always refinance the loan, but the right house may not come around again. But with rising interest rates and falling home inventory, many buyers are wondering if this mantra still rings true. Should you marry the house at whatever interest rate is available?

First, the US lending market has been experiencing record low interest rates. In May of 2000 saw the 30-year fixed rate rise to an average of 8.6% before falling to 6.5% in July of 2008. Historically, any long-term interest rate under 6.5% was considered exceptional. The pattern of rising and falling interest rates has been repeated multiple times in the past 40 years and likely will continue.

While purchasing an unaffordable home with the hope of refinancing quickly into a lower rate is a poor strategy, so is waiting on the home that you like or need if you can manage the payment. A simple truth of the housing market is that as rates increase, home values usually decrease as more buyers are forced from the market. This offers the opportunity for buyers to find a home previously unaffordable. When rates do decline, they can refinance for even more savings.

The concept of “Date the Rate and Marry the House” is not new. Home buyers in this real estate climate need to be more intentional about the home they choose and the costs incurred. Rates will most likely increase before they fall, so weighing the lower home price to the higher interest rate is a personal decision to be taken carefully.

10 Most Common Home Buyer Questions

Buying a new home is exciting and confusing. There are a lot of steps to buying a home, and people have questions. These are the most common questions home buyers have, and the answers.

1. How do I get started? – The first step is to speak with a lender and get a pre-approval. This will tell you, and potential sellers, how much you can afford.

2. How long does it take to close on a home? – Typically, it takes about 30-45 days once contracts are signed to complete the lending, appraisal, and inspection processes.

3. What does my agent do? – A buyer’s agent will negotiate terms and manage the closing process from start to finish.

4. How much do I pay for a buyer’s agent? – Nothing. The seller’s agent gives the buyer’s agent a portion of their commission from the seller.

5. What credit score do I need to qualify? – A 620 FICO score or higher is required for most home loan programs. Talk to a lender for other options for lower scores.

6. How much money do I need for a down payment? – It varies. FHA loans start as low as 3% and most lenders offer standard programs for a 5% down payment.

7. What other fees will I need to pay? – Closing costs and loan origination fees will add another 2-4% to the costs.

8. What if I change my mind? – Your agent will work with you to build in contingencies for conditions, loan terms/approval, and other protections to allow you time to evaluate the home during escrow.

9. When do I get the keys? – Unless you’ve negotiated extra time for the sellers to move, you’ll get the keys at the closing.

10. What’s the best advice for home buyers? – Trust the experts and ask lots of questions.

Buying a new home is exciting. Reduce any anxiety by finding a good buyer’s agent who can help you make the best choice for your needs. COnnect with Stacy Borroto, Broker at The OC Nest specializing in Orange County Real Estate since 2007.

6 Tips for a Sustainable Home

Creating a sustainable environment is on the top of everyone’s mind these days. From Disney to Poland, policies that save energy and resources are important ways to reduce waste and help the planet. Your home can be part of this effort as well. With a few small changes, you can create a more sustainable home. 6 Tips for a Sustainable Home

1. Solar Panels – Using solar panels to generate electricity is a great way to save money on your energy bill and reduce your carbon footprint.

2. Switch to LED Lighting – LED bulbs use significantly less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and last much longer. Making the switch can save you 80% of your typical lighting cost.

3. Install a Programmable Thermostat – Smart home products can help manage energy use. A programmable thermostat can save money on heating and cooling bills by automatically reducing use when not needed.

4. Reduce Water Consumption – You can save water by simple adjustments. High-efficiency appliances and low-flow showerheads are quick changes that don’t affect your lifestyle.

5. Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products – The market is flooded with green alternatives to the harsh chemical cleaners we’re used to. These eco-friendly cleaning products are better for your health as well as the planet.

6. Energy-Efficient Windows – Installing energy efficient windows can also help lower heating and cooling costs. They also reduce noise pollution and improve indoor air quality.

By making a few changes, you can create a more sustainable, energy-efficient home. Save money and reduce the negative impact on the environment by trying these easy ideas to lower your carbon footprint.

10 Things to Remove from Your Home When Listing for Sale

One of the most common questions from home sellers is, “do I really need to put my family pictures away”? The short answer is “yes,” but maybe not for the reasons you assume. The general principle is that buyers need to be able to visualize their own lives in the home in order to buy the house. There is nothing new about this, but in this complicated age of security challenges, there are also safety reasons to remove your items before showings.

10 Things to Remove

1. Excess Furniture – Consider removing extra chairs, ottomans, side tables, etc., anything unnecessary.

2. Family Photos – You do not know who is coming through your home; protect your family by removing any identifiable pictures, awards, certificates, etc.

3. Religious Art/Collectables – Some people may be offended by these kinds of items. Better to avoid issues.

4. Laptops and Cell Phones – Anything easily picked up and removed should be safely stowed.

5. Jewelry – Again, anything of value should be secured out of sight.

6. Important Files and Papers – Hide any papers that may have banking or social security numbers that can be used for fraudulent purposes.

7. Firearms – Protect yourself and others by securing any firearms.

8. Clutter – Nothing new here, keep the home clean.

Ceiling Design Ideas that Add Impact

For most people, the only effort they place into the ceiling design is removing the old popcorn treatment. While this is certainly an important first step, there are many ways to use the ceiling to add interest and impact to any room.

Considered the “fifth wall” by designers, ceiling design changes can be either subtle or dramatic. Browse through any home décor magazine and notice the ceiling treatments. Often, they feature bold colors or textures that go somewhat unnoticed by the viewer. Bedrooms, living rooms, and even bathrooms are prime targets for a makeover. Here are 5 great options to try out in your home.

1. Bold Color – Contrary to popular opinion, a dark or strong color on the ceiling does not make the room look smaller. In fact, the use of a color on the ceiling invites the eye to move around the room and creates another interesting space.

2. Brighten Monotone Rooms – If you are planning to keep the room monotone, with soft whites or beiges, add more white tone to the ceiling to add some depth to the room.

3. Molding – Add an interesting molding to the ceiling. You can create an elegant surrounding with a chandelier, for example.

4. Add Some Shine – Contrast a matte wall with a high-gloss ceiling in bold color. Perfect to brighten any room.

5. Metallic Options – You’ve seen the pressed metal ceilings in old bars or restaurants, but there are also more subtle modern treatments that bring an element of industrial design to a space. There are so many ways to create a more interesting design story by using the ceiling.

There is no reason not to try something dramatic that can give any room a fresh look.

Seller Concession Limits

The real estate market is shifting. In some areas of the country, it has flipped to a strong buyer’s market. Sellers challenged by this change are looking for creative ways to attract buyers. In addition, buyers suddenly in the driver’s seat are asking for more concessions from sellers than ever before.

Seller concessions are a useful tool in real estate. Used correctly, it can benefit both buyer and seller. For example, concessions can be offered in lieu of seller repairs or upgrades, saving out of pocket cash in an uncertain market. Buyers can also benefit from “financing” some of their own out-of-pocket costs for specified fees and charges.

However, there are limits to what the lender will accept for seller concessions and understanding this ahead of time can save time and frustration. Here is a snapshot of the most common loan types and concessions possibly allowed (always check with your lender).

Conventional (Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac):

· 25% down payment – 9% concessions

· 10-25% down payment – 6% concessions

· <10% down payment – 3% concessions

FHA : 6% maximum concession

VA: 4% closing costs concession

USDA: USDA allows the seller to pay all the closing costs and prepaid for the buyer with no percentage limit. Other restrictions and considerations apply, so speak with your lender.

Seller concessions are a great way to save cash on both sides. Used properly, it can be a great tool to put real estate transactions together in a challenging market.

It’s Still a Great Time to Sell

Sellers all over the country are confused and worried they may have missed the best time to sell their home. Prices are dropping, mortgage rates are rising, and the pace has slowed but the impact on any individual seller is unclear.

While the days of any home selling for any price are behind us, the current housing market is still strong. The biggest hurdle for sellers is to avoid the feeling that they missed their chance to get top dollar. Yet, many times the seller intends to buy again also; so while they may sell their home a little lower, they will also buy the new home a little lower as well. ABCs of Success The

ABCs to a successful sale are not complicated. They are the basics of home selling, but if followed, it will ensure a timely and profitable home sale.

A) Appreciation – When sellers hear this term, they normally think of the value of the home. During a challenging market, this kind of appreciation is to appreciate every buyer who wants to come by and every offer you receive; take them seriously.

B) Give in, Don’t Dig in – Along with appreciation for offers, view all the terms in the light of where you can give in or compromise. Be easy to work with and be reasonable.

C) Stop Comparing the House Next Door – Try not to be discouraged or angry if other homes are selling faster. You don’t really know the reason; try to stay patient.

Buyers are excited about the slower market. This means that buyers are still buying. Sellers who get back to the basic ABCs can be successful and achieve their selling goals.

Design Trends for 2023 – More is Everything

A common regret around taking down the holiday decorations is how bare the home looks suddenly. Fortunately for anyone ready to upgrade their design in 2023, new trends are offering more comfort and coziness than we’ve seen lately.

For the past few years, home designers have created a blend of minimalism and simplicity in their home styles. This style involves removing anything from the space that is not necessary for function or lifestyle. The common phrase, “does it spark joy,” is a new mantra for homeowners hoping to eliminate clutter from their homes.

As the new year approaches, this mindset has been thrown out the window. Maximalism is the new theme. Color and patterns, textures, and excess have replaced the sleek lines and neutral colors of minimalist design. Home décor trends now invite the consumer to play with bold colors and contrasting patterns and shapes. Almost anything goes.

It’s important to note that this is not an invitation for clutter. A perusal of home magazines and design books emphasizing the latest “boho” style, clearly shows a method to the design. The furnishings are functional and comfortable. Color palettes are curated for harmony and mood. While this is a great time to experiment, to avoid creating a hodge-podge of design, thought is more important than ever.

2023 is almost here and with it a fresh approach to décor. Forget the minimalist style of the past and embrace maximalism; with all the print, color, and excitement it brings to the home.