Solar Rings – Cheap and Eco-Friendly Pool Heating

Everyone is looking for ways to save on energy costs. Many people have had to change the way they behave – larger laundry loads, fewer lights in the evening, fans vs air conditioning – and even more have looked to alternative options, such as solar. These methods are not always easy or inexpensive, at least not up front. The great news is that there is an inexpensive and eco-friendly way to heat your pool this summer and save hundreds of dollars in the process by using solar pool rings.

Solar pool rings are floating devices that contain UV-resistant vinyl material that traps the heat to warm the pool without using the heater. The rings are made of 2 layers. The top layer guides the sun to the lower layer which converts the rays to heat. Not only do these rings effectively trap and disperse heat to the water, but they also reduce evaporation, saving money on water bills.

Solar pool rings can also be effective as barriers against backyard debris, which can throw the chemical balance off. Solar pool rings typically come in sets of 6 and most pools can be covered for less than about $400. They are simple to inflate/deflate for storage and are suitable for all pool types. While solar rings will never heat a pool as quickly as a pool heater, with regular use and plenty of sunshine, these devices save money and extend the pool season in most climates.

Is This a “Normal” Real Estate Market Yet?

The events of the last few years disrupted almost every facet of our lives and the real estate market was no exception. Buyers and sellers across the country have experienced a market more volatile and unpredictable and are wondering if we will ever return to normal? Will the tougher economic times ahead help balance the real estate market?

As interest rates rise to slow the economy, the housing market is feeling the shift. Gone are the cheap loans and quick home sales. Today’s buyers have the luxury of being choosier and sellers must again offer their homes at a reasonable price in good condition. While this “feels” like a normal market condition, is it?

The essence of a “normal” real estate market would be predictability and confidence, but we are not seeing this yet. True, the slowing economy and rising interest rates have moved us away from the frantic pace of the past few years, but experts question whether this means a traditional “buyers’ market.”

The pandemic changed the way we work, and where, also. People around the world are moving. With remote working a normal occurrence, people can live anywhere they want. Cities are emptying out and some states are seeing an influx of new residents anxious to avoid high-tax states.

With all these added elements, the real estate market may not return to the “normal”, more predictable patterns we’re accustomed to for years, maybe never. For consumers, the most important thing is to make the right decision for their families. There are opportunities in every market, even if it doesn’t feel “normal.”

Are the bidding wars over?

Let’s face it, it’s fun to have a home listing during a seller’s market. When inventory is tight, even less-than-perfect homes invite the frantic bidding wars seen over the past few years. But as the economy slows down and interest rates increase, sellers are wondering if the bidding wars are over, and what that means for them.

First of all, bidding wars have occurred in every kind of real estate market. Well-positioned homes have always garnered attention and offers. What’s different in a seller’s market is that buyers are so desperate to find a home, that multiple offers seem to be normal on every listing. As the pace slows down, sellers need to adjust their expectations and avoid costly mistakes.

Seller Mistakes to Avoid in a “Normal” Market

· Bad Curb Appeal – Curb Appeal is once again important to making a good impression.

· Delayed Response – Don’t wait to respond to a buyer’s offer because you hope to have a bidding war.

· Unreasonable Demands – Buyers have choices now, be reasonable with the counter and contingencies. · Highest Offer – Don’t assume that the highest offer is the best offer.

· Priced too Low or too High – Price the home correctly. Don’t play games with the price.

Finally, be patient. In a typical market, an average home is on the market 30-45 days. This is a change from the past few years, but a healthy real estate market benefits all parties.

Selling and Buying during a global pandemic...No Problem!

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The OC Nest worked with this family to sell their Irvine home during COVID for $20,000 over list price in just 3 days! In addition, we helped them to purchase a new home for $74,000 under list price! This is a perfect example of great teamwork! Through clear communication and trust, we were able to accomplish their goals. We are so happy they found their perfect "nest "!!